Monday, March 7, 2011

Particles in Japanese Language Vol. 1

Disclaimer: I am still a Self Learning Japanese student, this post I'm going to share how I learned to understand the particles (it take me forever to understand it but now I think I understand it way better than I first started learning it)  , of course I won't be 100% correct nor 100% wrong, if you think I had gave wrong explanation, please correct me. お願いします。

It is important to know the particles because it would be funny when you used it wrongly. especially に&へ。

Because Minna no Nihongo don't really explain it, I having HARD time learning it until I discover a site that taught me how to do it, so this is the LINK, but I'm going to summarize it. Below~ Hope you like it and learned something from the site and my summary :)

There are many particles in Japanese Language, so I think I'm going to divide it to few blog, because I would go crazy trying to type it down with the points I wrote on the papers.


Japanese Sentence [Subject][Object][Verb]

Particles Vol. 1 - 「は」 & 「が」

 (when it use as particle it is pronounce as "wa" instead of "ha")
i-> it indicates subject or show the subjects of the sentence.
eg: 「私」「は」「卵」「が」好きです。
「私」 is the subject of the sentence. Hence は is being used.

ii-> specify or want to give importance to the subject.
「父」is the subject and I wanted to emphasize on it. Because only 父 hate eggs.

i-> indicate the topic of the sentence.
「卵」is the topic of the sentence, because we are talking about the egg.

ii-> not talking about one particular thing (general way)

iii-> Conjunction -> give the meaning "but", joining 2 sentences that contradict with each other.
eg: 寿司はおいしいです「が」高いです。(sushi is yummy but expensive)

iv->to show existence -> always use with verbs 「が」あります & 「が」います

v->always use with 

vi->used as interrogative pronoun.
e.g: だれ「が」Gacktーさん ですか。

vii->to point out natural phenomena. (not causes by human action)
e.g:  雪「が」降りました。

to be continue....



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